Thursday, August 26, 2010

J-Pop and other Fantastical Japanese Stuff :3

はじめまして。 Hoang Trang です。 どおぞよろしく! 

That sentence took me a very long time to type.  I'm not very technologically adapted and it took me the past two days to figure out how to set the language to Japanese.

I first took up interest in Japanese when I read my first manga, ふしぎ遊戯.  (And sorry, I did not make that kanji.. when I tried to type it in Hiragana it automatically stuck it into kanji).  I read a lot of manga after that, I watched some anime, but I liked reading better.  Death Note is my favorite.  I also love to play video games, and my favorite ones always seem to be the RPG Japanese ones (Square Enix: Final Fantasy!)  Which got me started listening to Japanese pop music.  I'd listen to some Utada Hikaru and Ayumi Hamasaki, but then I fell in love with Kanon Wakeshima last year.  Perhaps its her clothes ( I love Lolita clothing by the way), but her cello is wonderful and she just gives off this great vibe in her music.  So I've been listening to her for about a year and I'd rather much like to know what she's going on about.  The title of my blog is actually the name of her first album.  It is great, everyone should listen to it.  My favorite song is すな の おしる, however, the music video for that is quite strange.  So I shall link her newest single Storytelling by Solita.  She likes to mix French in with her music so that is not all Japanese.

がんばってみな (Good luck everyone)