Ever been to an anime convention? I have. My sister is a bigger Japanese culture fan addict than me and she would drag me conventions in Houston, and this summer, she dragged me all the way to Dallas.
オニコン(Oni-Con)は テキサスのヒューストンで じゅうがつ(October)に なります、
ヂオ(Dio)のコンサートを みました そして わたしの とまだち dらウィンぐぉ しました (she sold her drawings).
Yes, I once had orange hair. I shook their hands :)
Don't be fooled, they are not manly looking girls, but girly looking men (some not so manly).
ア-コン(A-Kon)は テキサスのダラスで ろくがつ(June)に あります。 とても おおきです!
Lightningさんのフィノファナタシ (From Final Fantasy)
Toliet Paperさんは かわいいです
I have tons more pictures, but that is enough for now. にほんは いにしろい ね?